Saturday, December 19, 2009

saturday night

in the afternoon
i worked on my quilt (which i still havent quite finished!)
while josiah played age of empires.
we practiced our skit for christmas eve,
laughed a lot at each other
i went on facebook and did facebook stuff,
josiah played the piano and practiced a bit more,
then he calls me over to the piano
(it's not really a piano, but an organ thing from mcc)
i go over there and sit next to him.
he starts to play a simple tune
and then he starts to sing
he sings to me a lovely song
and at the end he says,
i wrote that for you today.
i kissed him.

now i sit at the computer writing this,
while he's asleep on the couch.
it's 6:47 pm
and we haven't even eaten supper.

i love you, josiah.
you're the best.




your husband said...

i think i love you too

seb powen said...

nice post..